Periodical Collection - Wright Library

Periodical Collection

Wright Library has a large periodical collection of print and online journals, including a rich collection of Latin American periodicals.

Online Journals

Online Journals are accessible to anyone while on-site and to authorized users from anywhere.


Online Journals Portal

Print Journals

The library catalog is one place to look up specific print journals. Note: Journals do not circulate (e.g. cannot be checked out) and must not be left overnight in carrels or study rooms.

Periodical Reading Room

Current issues of selected print journals are shelved by title in the Periodical Reading Room on the First Floor.

Lower Level

Current issues of other journals, as well as past (bound) issues of all journals, are shelved by call number on the Lower Level. (Call numbers begin with PER for “periodical,” another name for a journal. Larger size journals can be found in PER FOLIO and PER L. FOLIO, also shelved by call number.)

More about journals at Wright Library